Welcome to Datacorn!

Welcome to the documentation hub for Datacorn! Here, you'll find everything you need to harness the full potential of our powerful development tool. From random data generation to data exposure via API, Datacorn is engineered to drive your development process from start to finish.

In this guide, you'll dive deep into the various aspects of our application, exploring each feature up close and learning how to seamlessly integrate them into your workflow. Discover how our tool can speed up your testing, enhance project security, and facilitate team collaboration.

Ready to delve deeper? Keep reading and immerse yourself in the detailed documentation for each feature! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let's embark on this journey together to reach new heights in your development! 🚀✨


Projects serve as organizational environments allowing users to group and manage related datasets cohesively. Each project acts as a container for a specific collection of datasets, offering tools to administer and collaborate on work related to those datasets.


Datasets lie at the core of our application, representing meticulously crafted collections of data generated according to user preferences. These datasets serve as versatile resources, providing users with tailored data samples that cater to their specific needs and requirements.


Integrations enable disparate systems to communicate, share data, and collaborate in real-time, unlocking a myriad of benefits for organizations across various industries.


If you need to request assistance, report problems and receive timely resolutions to your queries, here are some ways to do so.